Western CofE Primary

Church of England

About our School

Western is a high achieving school. Our recent SATs results place the school in the top 10% of schools nationally. Our English results in particular are outstanding.

However, we believe that academic success is only part of the picture and I am delighted that inspectors have praised us for being a caring school, where everyone is valued as an individual.

They reported that pupils enjoy learning and are keen to participate in all aspects of school life. They recognised our success in developing children spiritually, socially and educationally and praised the underlying Christian ethos that provides a golden thread in all that we do.

We have close links with St Paul’s Church; Dr Reverend Jonathan Rowe and Mary Coping are welcome visitors. They make regular visits to the school to lead Collective Worship and contribute to RE lessons.

Our parents are very supportive of the school and their children’s education. Many parents give their time generously by volunteering in class, accompanying classes on school visits and by becoming governors or committee members of the PTA. We are fortunate to have a very active PTA, which raises money for the school and organises a number of social and fun events for the children, families and parents.  

The school is open from 9am until 3:30pm each day (32.5 hours per week).

Breakfast club operates from 7:45am and Tea Club runs until 6pm each day of term time.

School Prospectus